Greed and Blood: Powerful Objects in The Silmarillion and Javanese Book of Monarchs

The Making of the Silmarils, by Anna Kulisz

There have been no gems more beautiful yet devastating in their influences in Tolkien legendarium like the three Silmarils. Created from unbreakable crystalline substance called silima, containing the powerful Light of Valinor from the Two Trees, the gems’ immense beauty was only matched with their destructive nature. More accurately, the greed and bloodlust they invoked looked like a great contrast with the way they were created.

There are many influences that we can attribute to the nature of the Silmarils based on Tolkien’s interests and background. However, a unique parallel can also be found in an unlikely source: the semi-legendary chronicle of Javanese monarchs known as Pararaton, which features a powerful weapon and sacred object that bore a strong resemblance to the Silmarils.

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The Perilous Procession (2): Beware the Paths of the Dead and the Night Marchers

In the previous post, I talked about the popular image of trooping “fairies” (Elves) present in Tolkien’s works and their adaptations, and how they show parallel with various beliefs toward supernatural processions in various cultures. The second part of the post will talk about similar concept, but with different nature.

The Paths of the Dead, by Darrell Sweet

When it comes to supernatural procession images in Tolkien legendarium, the ghosts in the Paths of the Dead definitely takes a special spotlight. Unlike the ethereal or majestic imagery of fairy/Elven procession, which were translated as such in the movie adaptations, the Dead Men are the source of fear in Tolkien’s lore. Supernatural Elven procession is a source of awe and wonder due to its intense visual imagery, but the ghosts that haunt the Paths of the Dead invoke nothing but terror.

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Mengapa Pertandingan Teka-teki dalam The Hobbit Begitu Menarik?

Tulisan ini saya buat dalam rangka Hobbit Day yang jatuh setiap tanggal 22 September. Postingan tahun lalu bisa dibaca di sini.



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Túrin Turambar and “Spiritual Burden” behind Javanese Naming Philosophy


Strongbow and Dragonhelm, by Elena Kukanova

This blog post was developed into a paper and presented at Tolkien Society Seminar 2018 by Nelson Goering.

When listening to an episode in Prancing Pony Podcast about Of Túrin Turambar chapter in The Silmarillion, I was struck with one particular notion emphasized in the podcast: the fact that Túrin changed his name several times (or bestowed a name by others). Each name reflects different aspect of his life, such as Neithan (“The Wronged”), Gorthol (“The Dread Helm”), Agarwaen, son of Úmarth (“Bloodstained, son of Ill-fate”), Adanedhel (“Man-Elf”), Mormegil (“Black Sword), and the infamous Turambar (“Master of Doom”). These names reflect changes that happened in Túrin’s life.

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Tentang Pertemuan dengan Hewan-Hewan Berwarna Putih dalam Legendarium Tolkien

Dari berbagai jenis hewan yang muncul dalam mitologi dan kisah-kisah fantasi, kemunculan hewan berwarna putih kerap dikaitkan dengan keistimewaan, misalnya pertanda, keajaiban, terbukanya batas antara dunia nyata dan gaib, atau kehadiran penunggang kuda yang istimewa. Dalam legendarium Middle-earth, pertemuan dengan hewan-hewan berwarna putih kerap menjadi sesuatu yang bermakna khusus, dan hal ini memiliki paralel kuat dengan mitologi dunia nyata. 

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The Shibboleth of Fëanor: Ketika Perubahan Bahasa Dipolitisasi

Shibboleth (noun)

a : a use of language regarded as distinctive of a particular group.
b : a custom or usage regarded as distinguishing one group from others .

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Bahasa adalah hal yang memiliki kekuatan begitu besar sehingga kita mungkin tak menyadarinya, hanya karena kita menggunakannya setiap hari. Jangankan sepotong kata yang menghilang; perbedaan ejaan yang kedengarannya sepele sekalipun bisa menjadi pemicu untuk berbagai peristiwa penting. J.R.R. Tolkien, filolog yang menekuni bahasa seumur hidupnya, menuangkannya dalam salah satu manuskripnya untuk legendarium Middle-earth, yaitu sebuah esai berjudul The Shibboleth of Fëanor. Tolkien menggambarkan bagaimana perbedaan ejaan atau bunyi yang kedengarannya sepele dapat membuat pihak tertentu merasa terancam, bahkan menggunakannya sebagai upaya membuat klaim politik. 

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