Greed and Blood: Powerful Objects in The Silmarillion and Javanese Book of Monarchs

The Making of the Silmarils, by Anna Kulisz

There have been no gems more beautiful yet devastating in their influences in Tolkien legendarium like the three Silmarils. Created from unbreakable crystalline substance called silima, containing the powerful Light of Valinor from the Two Trees, the gems’ immense beauty was only matched with their destructive nature. More accurately, the greed and bloodlust they invoked looked like a great contrast with the way they were created.

There are many influences that we can attribute to the nature of the Silmarils based on Tolkien’s interests and background. However, a unique parallel can also be found in an unlikely source: the semi-legendary chronicle of Javanese monarchs known as Pararaton, which features a powerful weapon and sacred object that bore a strong resemblance to the Silmarils.

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Anjing Pemburu dalam Legendarium Tolkien

Anjing adalah hewan yang sering ditemukan dalam legendarium Middle-earth, tetapi anjing pemburu (hound) mendapat tempat istimewa. Gambaran anjing pemburu yang ganas tetapi setia mendampingi beberapa karakter penting dalam legendarium, bahkan memiliki gemanya dalam mitologi di dunia kita. Huan, anjing pemburu yang mendampingi Lúthien dan membantu Beren, adalah contoh paling menyolok. Bertubuh sebesar kuda poni, tidak pernah merasa lelah, dan setia, Huan adalah perwujudan ideal sosok anjing dalam fiksi.

Huan’s Promise, oleh Ebe Kastein
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The Perilous Procession (2): Beware the Paths of the Dead and the Night Marchers

In the previous post, I talked about the popular image of trooping “fairies” (Elves) present in Tolkien’s works and their adaptations, and how they show parallel with various beliefs toward supernatural processions in various cultures. The second part of the post will talk about similar concept, but with different nature.

The Paths of the Dead, by Darrell Sweet

When it comes to supernatural procession images in Tolkien legendarium, the ghosts in the Paths of the Dead definitely takes a special spotlight. Unlike the ethereal or majestic imagery of fairy/Elven procession, which were translated as such in the movie adaptations, the Dead Men are the source of fear in Tolkien’s lore. Supernatural Elven procession is a source of awe and wonder due to its intense visual imagery, but the ghosts that haunt the Paths of the Dead invoke nothing but terror.

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The Perilous Procession (1): The “Trooping Fairies” and the Myth of Lampor

Read part 2 here.

Supernatural procession is a frequent image that appears in various cultures. Unlike singular supernatural creature or phenomenon, a supernatural procession evokes fear, wander, and awe in our imagination. It represents an unstoppable, uncontrollable power, symbolized by supernatural hordes that humans cannot understand or deal with in normal means. One of the most enduring examples of this trope in folklore is probably the “trooping fairies”, appearing as a procession of supernatural or mythical beings. While the term is popular in European mythology and folklore, similar concepts appear in various parts of the world, with diverse details yet many similarities in their significance.

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Pagebluk Middle-earth: Gambaran Wabah Besar dalam Legendarium Tolkien

Gambaran realistis tentang peradaban dalam legendarium Middle-earth mencakup berbagai aspek yang bisa kita temukan dalam sejarah dunia nyata, termasuk peristiwa penyebaran wabah. J. R. R. Tolkien menulis tentang Wabah Besar Middle-earth (The Great Plague of Middle-earth) sebagai catatan sejarah dalam apendiks di The Lord of the Rings, namun dengan dampak yang cukup besar dalam sejarah Manusia dan Hobbit, dua kaum yang paling terdampak peristiwa ini.

Walau berdampak besar, Tolkien tidak terlalu banyak menyuguhkan detail dalam catatan sejarah yang (seharusnya) penting ini. Akan tetapi, kita bisa menarik paralelnya dengan beberapa aspek dalam Wabah Maut Hitam (Black Death) Eropa yang terjadi pada Abad Pertengahan, serta pengaruh sosial, filosofis, dan artistik yang menjadi dampaknya.

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Reflections of Eärendil and Túrin Turambar in a Bugis Mythical Hero

Eärendil, by alarie-tano

Shared themes are not unusual in the world of mythology and folklore. Tolkien created characters like Eärendil and Túrin Turambar to explore themes like voyage, unavoidable tragedy, and familial taboo. Readers could find pieces of these characters reflected in previously-famous figures, like Odyssey from Ancient Greece and Kullervo from Finnish Kalevala. However, a parallel can be drawn from even less culturally familiar source: an epic creation myth of the Bugis from Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, titled La Galigo. Sawerigading, the central figure in the myth, is a rich and complicated character that has subtle parallel with Tolkien’s similarly iconic heroes.

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Ulmo dan Maknanya Menjadi Penguasa Air

The Wrath of Ulmo, oleh Ralph Damiani

Dalam artikel sebelumnya, saya membahas laut secara spesifik terkait domain spesifik dari Ossë dan Uinen, makhluk spiritual tingkat rendah (Maiar) yang mewakili dua sifat laut yang saling berlawanan. Akan tetapi, jika dibandingkan dengan Ulmo, keduanya hanya mewakili sebagian kecil dari kekuatan air yang terkandung dalam dunia Tolkien. Melihat keterlibatan Ulmo dalam banyak peristiwa di Middle-earth, bahkan melebihi keterlibatan langsung Valar lain, menarik melihat apa makna sebenarnya menjadi “penguasa air” dalam legendarium Tolkien.

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Ossë, Uinen, dan Dualitas Kekuatan Laut

Ossë and Uinen, oleh Kimberly

Mitologi modern ciptaan Tolkien mengusung karakter para Valar, sosok spiritual tinggi yang melaksanakan kehendak Iluvatar (sosok pencipta) di Middle-earth. Setiap Vala memiliki vassal (pengikut) berupa makhluk spiritual berkedudukan lebih rendah yang memiliki deskripsi tugas spesifik. Ulmo, Vala penguasa perairan yang termasuk dalam jajaran Valar terkuat, memiliki pengikut bernama Ossë dan Uinen yang berdomain di laut dan pesisir Middle-earth. Walau hanya disebut sangat sedikit dalam manuskrip Tolkien, kedua makhluk spiritual ini melambangkan sesuatu yang lebih dalam: dualitas dan kontradiksi yang ditunjukkan oleh lautan.

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Tentang Berúthiel: Ratu Kucing dan Perwujudan Musim Dingin

Berúthiel mungkin adalah tokoh minor dalam legendarium Tolkien, namun sosoknya yang misterius adalah perwujudan sempurna dari tokoh wanita berkarakter menonjol yang kerap dilabeli “sulit dipahami”. Begitu kuat penggambarannya sehingga namanya menjadi sosok legenda, disebut secara sepintas oleh karakter dalam The Lord of the Rings sebagai referensi kuno, walau namanya telah dihapus dari kitab para raja dan ratu Gondor. “Kucing” dan “musim dingin” adalah dua kata yang terkait erat dengan sosok Berúthiel, dan penggambaran dirinya bahkan bisa ditarik ke inspirasi tokoh wanita unik lainnya dalam mitologi Nordik.

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Which Batik Motifs Represent Specific Tolkien Characters?

Batik refers to a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to a fabric. The technique is popular in many countries, but Indonesian batik patterns are famous for their rich motifs. Batik is currently enjoying a revival in Indonesia after years of being considered old-fashioned. The word batik was first recorded in English in Encyclopedia Britannica in 1880 (spelled battik).

Batik has a unique philosophy in each of its motifs. In the past, some motifs were even considered exclusive (batik larangan = “forbidden batik”), and only certain people could wear them. This often makes me wonder: if Tolkien characters wore batik in their daily life, what kind of motif that will suit them? Here’s my simple take on them.

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